Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Test Scores are IN

I'll be out of town until Monday, so here is some immediate feedback as a whole...Where did you go wrong?

Here are a few themes:

I was VERY generous on baby safety issues and attachment types.

Too much opinion on circumcision, not enough facts. YOU SHOULD NOT "TELL" a client anything about what they SHOULD do medically with a child. You definitely should not tell them to do something becuase YOU think it is a good idea, despite the recommendations of the AAP. You need to give them unbiased information, and not biased or INACCURATE information (such as "most people have their boys circumcised"). It is not your position to convince your client about medical issues regarding their baby. You can be supportive and provide references and unbiased information. Once they have made a decision, you can help them get the facts on how to best take care of their child whether it is to explain hygine or circumcision care.

SIDS: yes, cigarette smoke increases SIDS risk, as does prematurity but NOT co-sleeping. BACK to sleep campaign, NOT Stomach.

CORD BLOOD: What exactly is the "moral issue" several of you listed?

Too many of you had no idea what the difference between a 6 month old and three year old milestones were (not babbling or rolling over at 2 years?)

I am happy to go over your exam with you individually when I return...

But thought you would want to know!

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