Thursday, December 11, 2008

The End!

Hello Everyone,
So, here we are- at the end.  I have seen MANY of you here today and plan to see even more tomorrow and Monday.  Tomorrow I still have plenty of slots available so contact me for that.  I will be in after 10 (I am giving a final in my morning class first thing). 

At least drop by between now and Monday at 5pm to fill out the evaluation.  If for some reason you can't get here, let me know and we will work out a way for you to get it done!
Some couldn't find the last two discussion topics (Adoption and Daycare) on BB- I got an apology note from BB this morning, there have been some problems, so no surprise.  I re-did them and they are there (at least from what I can see).  Last chance for participation ;)

Cutoff for EVERTYHING is on Monday in Blackboard.  I am not sure when they cut you off for grades, but if you don't know what your grade is after meeting with me, and you get cut off from BB, you can contact me and see where I am on that.  I will also keep posting to the blog.  That will remain the same for the next course as well!
One last note on the final paper for those who have not yet turned it in. 

We got a letter of concern to our department from the Hundley Center about Plagiarism.  It seems that many have turned in papers for editing that clearly are using other people's words without giving credit for it.  I am not saying "many" to point out a couple.  I am saying many, because it is MANY.  I want to say this in the kindest way to you.  It concerns me.  You MUST know the difference between paraphrasing and direct quotes.  If you did not write that phrase or sentence, quote marks belong around that phrase or sentence, with a page number at the end. If this is done in your final paper, it will be returned to you as I cannot ethically accept it. Plagiarism is simply wrong.
This is how you paraphrase:  You read the entire article (or the section that you think is important to support your ideas).  Ask yourself what the point of it was.  Write that, in your own words. It is your interpretation of what they said/ meant,  then after that write (Smith, 2008).
How NOT to paraphrase: Copy and paste a large section/ paragraph or sentence into your paper (and perhaps even try to change the words around a little bit) and put (Smith, 2008) after that.
Longer than 4 lines (should be rare, if ever) of someone else’s words:  BLOCKQUOTE
Last thing- DON’T write out the journal title or article name in your paper.  Use the AUTHOR NAME (S).
Example:  Smith, James and Rice (2006) found that…  
NOT:  The Journal of Social Psychology and Health Sciences in the Southern Region of Care found that…

I look forward to seeing you all :)

Dr. Holmes

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