Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Learn from Another Class: Don't Follow the Crowd!

As you all embark on doing the journal article assignments (4 by Monday)...learn a lesson from another class- in Blackboard, the first couple of students didn't read the assignment correctly and did the assignment wrong. Well, instead of reading the instructions (that were clear), the students that followed them just piggy-backed off of each other and all but two did it wrong. Don't assume that just because students post first, they know what they are doing.

Hopefully this tidbit will save some of you some headache.

I am impressed with the resourcefulness that I have seen as far as getting the articles together.

Also: Character Analysis reminder: ONLY ONE CHARACTER. NO OTHERS. If you do multiple characters, there is no way you will adequately address the questions. It is like getting a client, who has family members and friends, but only ONE is your client. This isn't a family therapy paper.

DON'T FORGET YOUR BOOK ON MONDAY THAT YOU USED FOR YOUR ANALYSIS. If you do, you may as well forget your paper along with it...It won't be graded or considered "in" until I have seen it.

See you on Monday!

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