Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Exam 1 Grades are In!

Exam grades are in. You can figure out your % by dividing your number by 65 (the number of points possible).

If you received below a "C", please make an appointment to see me. Feel free to drop by most of the day tomorrow if you want to see it or wed thur or fri next week. Otherwise I will just bring them to class at our next meeting.

Overall, I was very impressed with the exam. The most memorable skits were the exam questions most often answered right, so getting involved makes a big difference!

Make sure to check into Blackboard and the blog frequently.

Re: Your Book: (Suggestion) Get it right this minute. If you wait until next week, and try to read and write that paper in a matter of days, your grade will suffer, surely. If you need writing assistnace, make an appointment at the Hundley Center by tomorrow or thursday. You don't want to gamble with an 80 point project.

Great work on the exam!

Dr. Holmes

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