Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Exam Information

Hello Everyone-

Just a few things to say about this is on chapters one and two of your textbook, heavy emphasis on Chapter 2. Many of the questions will look similar to quiz questions. You may also have diagrams (think cell and brain lobes) as well as short answer and essay.

Everything given to you in the midterm discussion area is considered study guide information. Since I am leaving to go out of town tomorrow, if you still haven't given me your group info study notes, you will have to post it yourself in the discussion areas of Blackboard.

I suggest that you attempt downloading all of your study guide powerpoint slides information immediately- if you wait until the last minute and your computer is acting badly or Blackboard is acting up...doesn't really matter, becuase you should already have all of this information in had, because I am giving it to you today. In other words, there will be no accepted excuses.

At this point, it is expected that you have the textbook, and you are responsible for its contents. You are expected to have a computer and internet connection that you are able to access. You have nearly two weeks to get it all together, and study.

I also suggest that you do a study group before or after class next Monday.

So that is it...I will be in here all day if you come up with more questions. Post them in the "Ask professor Holmes" section so everyone can see the answer.

Thank you, and best of luck- I know you will do fine!

Dr. Holmes

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