Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome to HBSE!

Wow, you probably have a lot of expectations about this course and the MSW program in general. In short, it is going to be "more" than your bachelor's program, regardless of where you earned your degree. There will be more reading, more expected of you...and more that you can apply directly at your field placement setting.

In this class, and in this program, you are going to have to learn to rely on each other, sharing ideas, information and processing cases that you encounter while you are in the field. It isn't the best idea to try this program solo. If you have a long commute, work online with others in study groups, use Skype, it's free ( For those of you with families, Skype may be a great way to prepare for presentations and the like and communicate face to face without being in person (and saves gas!).

Blackboard also has chat features. Get familiar with the new technology available to you. It is a great resource that we didn't have (just like this blog) even a few years ago. APA style is an expectation that must be met in a Master's program, and you will have no excuse when it comes to proper citation and plagiarism. Here is a helpful resource...I suggest you review it:

Feel free to bring your laptop to class (you should). But there is no reason for it to be on unless we are using it for class (no shopping/ texting/ facebooking etc. while in class). I don't favor reading out loud to Master's level students. It is expected that you will have read your assigned material. You are welcome to bring questions to class. Class time will be used for the most part to process read materials, and do other activities that contribute to the material "sticking" in your mind. After all, you are getting a degree that is meant to be used. MSW's are leaders in their field. Most of your time spent in these courses will be outside of the designated class time. So be mentally prepared for this.

I look forward to working with each and every one of you. Try to make sure you meet with me one on one, even for a few minutes throughout the course of the semester. I can make myself available before classes begin on Monday afternoons as well by appointment.

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