Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hello Everyone,
Please check your email for an important announcement from Ms. Poe about HBSEII.

Yes, I am still here and will be in the office tomorrow :) Dr. Hudson should now be showing up in Blackboard as the course instructor.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Blackboard is UP

You should be all Robin Navel at if you still have trouble signing in:)


From Robin Navel (re:Black Board)...

We are still working on the Datatel / Blackboard integration. As soon as course sections become available for course development, I will send you email notification. Thanks for bearing with us through this process.

Office hours all day Weds! :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009


BB is still not up and running yet! I just sent another email...hopefully they will get it sorted in the next couple of days. Anyway, you have the material to work on, so feel free to do it, and then just save and copy and paste it when BB is up and running again for us...

Also no word on our classroom (we don't want the computer lab!). But now it looks like we have an extra week to get that figured out as well.

Have a great holiday next week!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Blackboard Update: Not sure what is going on, but I am going back and forth with them trying to get it figured out. I will have a post due, but it will just be before our next in person meeting. I will let you know once BB is back up and running for the "new" course.

In the meantime, read 19 Minutes (which so many of you gave me very happy feedback about tonight!)...and Chapters 7& 8.

January 12, 2009: ONLINE CLASS ONLY for HBSE II. You will meet on Campus with your new Professor (Furness) and Course at your designated time. This way, you can focus on the new requirements for the new professor etc. Feel free to use your class time to catch up on your reading for our class as well...there will be a "discussion" set up for this day on Blackboard. You will need to be reading chapters 7 & 8 (quiz in 2 weeks) and through page 89 of 19 Minutes. The updated Syllabus will be online before class begins and I will bring updated timeline to class, but I'd rather not waste all of that paper. Much of it is the same as HBSE I.

January 19, 2008: HOLIDAY!
Can't get to DC for Inauguration? Here is an article on other ideas and way to celebrate!

January 26: On campus, regular class. Quiz: Chapter 7 AND Chapter 8. Mini- exam on 19 minutes through page 89. IF YOU READ THE WHOLE THING ALREADY, DON'T SPOIL IT FOR OTHERS (do a quick re-scan to see where the class discussion will end- your fellow classmates get MAD at spoilers).

Something to think about: Professional presentation skills will be important in the next semester. Proper use of grammar, speaking clearly and succinctly will be important to your grade and to your attaining a Master's Degree.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Trauma, Children- An International and Relevant View


Divorce Mistakes

Visual Collage: Divorce and its Effects on Children

Online Post/ Class for Next Week

Since there is no BB at the moment, I thought I would post the topic of this coming week here. Then, for those of you who want it now, have it now. The motivation is impressive! I will also post video clips here to assist with processing the material from the chapter (7).

Discussion Topic: How can Social Workers help children cope with the aftermath of disasters (think Katrina, the Jackson Tornado, a future atomic bomb)? What do children feel? Is it the same as adults?

Finally- an emotional disaster for children: divorce or death of a parent...what is more difficult for a child?

What "red flag" symptoms will you see in children who have been through a disaster?

Please support your ideas and provide the website links below your post. (When BB is up, you need to respond to at least two other students).

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had wonderful holidays :)
Here is a reminder of our next couple of weeks.

Blackboard Update: Not sure what is going on, but I am going back and forth with them trying to get it figured out. I will have a post due, but it will just be before our next in person meeting. I will let you know once BB is back up and running for the "new" course.

In the meantime, read 19 Minutes (which so many of you gave me very happy feedback about tonight!)...and Chapter 7. Jump in to chapter 8 if you have already read chapter 7 and are ready for the quiz. Can it hurt to be ahead? :)

January 12, 2009: ONLINE CLASS ONLY for HBSE II. You will meet on Campus with your new Professor (Furness) and Course at your designated time. This way, you can focus on the new requirements for the new professor etc. Feel free to use your class time to catch up on your reading for our class as well...there will be a "discussion" set up for this day on Blackboard. You will need to be reading chapter 7 (quiz next week) and through page 89 of 19 Minutes. The updated Syllabus will be online before class begins and I will bring updated timeline to class, but I'd rather not waste all of that paper. Much of it is the same as HBSE I.

January 19, 2008: On campus, regular class. Quiz: Chapter 7. Mini- exam on 19 minutes through page 89. IF YOU READ THE WHOLE THING ALREADY, DON'T SPOIL IT FOR OTHERS (do a quick re-scan to see where the class discussion will end- your fellow classmates get MAD at spoilers).

Something to think about: Professional presentation skills will be important in the next semester. Proper use of grammar, speaking clearly and succinctly will be important to your grade and to your attaining a Master's Degree.